Florida’s auto insurance laws are entirely different from other states. The rules are unique because Florida follows a no-fault system. However, even though Florida follows this does not mean you can go without coverage. Auto insurance in Florida from https://floridainsurancequotes.net/florida-auto-insurance/ is highly recommended.
Auto Insurance In Florida
Car insurance consists of these two types of coverage. They are Property Damage Liability and Personal Injury Protection. Both have a minimum range of $10,000 and critical points.
First, let us discuss Property Damage Liability. This coverage will cover any damage you, a family member, or any other person driving your vehicle caused to another person’s property while driving. So, for example, if you rear-end someone else’s vehicle or hit your neighbor’s mailbox, this coverage will be able to cover the damages.
Property Damage Liability will not pay anything for the damages caused to your vehicle. Hence the term “liability.” Florida does not require you to carry insurance that ensures your vehicle. However, Florida Insurance Quotes strongly recommends it.
PIP Insurance In Florida
Personal Injury Protection coverage will cover you, your family members, and individuals riding in your car without a registered vehicle and PIP due to a crash with injuries. PIP coverage will apply to all individuals who qualify regardless of who is responsible for the impact and damages. This coverage is known as no-fault insurance. Regarding Florida auto insurance from https://floridainsurancequotes.net/florida-auto-insurance/, PIP covers pedestrians, bicyclists, and children injured by school buses.
Bodily Injury Liability insurance coverage will cover medical and funeral costs for you or a family member. The state does not require this type of insurance, but it has higher coverage amounts and more expensive premiums.
No-Fault Coverage
When it comes to maintaining insurance, you need to understand no-fault coverage. Florida instituted no-fault insurance laws to lower monthly premiums by delivering quick payouts. Due to no-fault laws, Florida companies can offer lower premiums.
However, criminals constantly abuse Florida’s no-fault system. Quick PIP payouts can lead to instances where medical clinics lie or exaggerate injuries to reach the $10,000 maximum. In addition, hundreds of arrests are made each year due to fraudulent claims. You can purchase the right policy if you understand how Florida auto insurance from https://floridainsurancequotes.net/florida-auto-insurance/ works. Even due to the no-fault laws in Florida, you can find an excellent approach that works for you. Start your search online today.