Hosting a fundraiser that benefits Big Brothers Big Sisters associates your business with one of the most loved and best known charitable organizations in the country. Whether it is a golf tournament, auction, or company softball tournament, your involvement with BBBS will inspire existing customers and bring in new business.
Individuals, neighborhoods, and families can host a fundraiser too. Organize a neighborhood yard sale, car wash, or lemonade stand. Let your creative juices flow for a good cause. Involve your children (or if you are a Big, involve your Little) in the process. Show them that they have something to offer the community.
We are always looking for volunteers to serve on planning committees for future fundraising events.
We are here to support you in your endeavors and provide you with any resources BBBS can offer. You can contact Craig Lowe, CEO at 352-375-2525.
Support Big Brothers Big Sisters of Mid-Florida when you search or shop online! Visit our BBBS Mall to learn about more ways to benefit BBBS by shopping online.